The Development of the Metaverse Media Format in Conjunction with the Trisikkha Learning Management, and Story Telling Technique Through Social Media to Promote Learning About the History of The Buddha for Secondary-Level Undergraduate Students

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Phra Suriya Chaiprasert
Passkorn Roungrong


The purposes of this academic article were to study the development of the Metaverse media format in collaboration with the Trisikkha learning process in terms of learning management and storytelling technique through social media and to promote learning in the history of the Buddha for Dhamma scholars at the primary level students. According to the learning of concepts and theories, it was discovered that the Metaverse Media Format could meet the requirements of a new dimension in the learning and development of Dharma educational materials and methodologies for students. It could be adapted as a paradigm structure for bringing together previous knowledge and new knowledge to enhance the learner's experience in the virtual world by creating experimental conditions simulating important events. Students would be able to apply the Dharma principles to increasing the competencies of the learner’s creativity, such as the cognitive domain, affective domain, and psychomotor domain. This could raise the potential of Dhamma students in the world with the unlimited learning process.

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How to Cite
Chaiprasert, P. S., & Roungrong, P. (2023). The Development of the Metaverse Media Format in Conjunction with the Trisikkha Learning Management, and Story Telling Technique Through Social Media to Promote Learning About the History of The Buddha for Secondary-Level Undergraduate Students. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(2), 1067–1077. retrieved from
Academic Articles
Author Biographies

Phra Suriya Chaiprasert, Faculty of Education, Program in Educational Technology and Communications, Naresuan University, Thailand



Passkorn Roungrong, Faculty of Education, Program in Educational Technology and Communications, Naresuan University, Thailand




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