Participatory Action Research to Develop Non-Formal Education Learning Process in Strengthening the Community Based on Social Capital: Case Study of Bangmafor Community, Nakhon Sawan Province.

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Atcharapinun Matukarun
Jularat Wattana
Panit Khemthong


This research aimed to: (1) study participatory action research to develop learning processes; and (2) present policy recommendations. It was a qualitative research project. A participatory action research framework was used as the research framework. The main informants consisted of people in the Bangmafor community who participated in learning activities. It focused on the field study, summarized the results analytically, and described them in detail. The research results were found as follows:

The development of the learning process through the making of Khao Chae, which was cultural capital and local tradition, was important social capital to drive the learning process and strengthen the community. There were 6 steps, as follows: 1) The community was aware of the problem. 2) It collectively analyzed and found the social capitals. 3) It helped formulate solutions. 4) There were exchanges of learning through the activities. 5) The community created new knowledge, and 6) it was transferred by integrating participatory action research at all stages, which made people in the community knowledgeable, self-reliant, and free to determine their own options for dealing with the problems. Groups were organized in the community to carry out various activities consistently and measurably. The knowledge that helps strengthen the community was passed on to the younger generations.

This research had three dimensions of policy recommendations as follows: 1) for the community by promoting community knowledge management; 2) for local government agencies by creating a community database; and 3) for other relevant government agencies by supporting the participation of civil society.

The finding resulted in an explicit knowledge of a learning cycle for self-development in the community after having an opportunity to participate in the learning process together, resulting in systematic collaboration and the discovery of the potential of the community, which helped develop its people to the fullest.

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How to Cite
Matukarun, A., Wattana, J., & Khemthong, P. (2023). Participatory Action Research to Develop Non-Formal Education Learning Process in Strengthening the Community Based on Social Capital: Case Study of Bangmafor Community, Nakhon Sawan Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(3), 1304–1318. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Atcharapinun Matukarun, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University Bangkhen Campus, Thailand



Jularat Wattana, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University Bangkhen Campus, Thailand



Panit Khemthong, Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University Bangkhen Campus, Thailand




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