An Analysis of Buddhadhamma as Appeared in Vientiane’s Art Works to Promote Religious Tourism

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Phra Thavone Taphonepaseuth
Homhuan Buarabha
Wichian Saenmee


This article aimed to study 1) the Buddhadhamma as it appeared in art works, 2) the art works in the Vientiane capital, Lao PDR, and 3) the Buddhadhamma as it appeared in Vientiane’s Art works to promote religious tourism. The research tools were a survey, observation, and interview. The data collected was documentary and fieldwork, and descriptive analysis was used for the result submission. It was found that the Buddhadhamma as it appeared in artworks was created as a medium to demonstrate the principles of Buddhism in the early days. Stupas as architecture are signed by Nibbana. The sculpture of Ashoka's stone pillars and the Buddha images are the Dhammachakkapavasutra, Punnakiriyavatthu, Three Characteristics, The Eightfold Paths, DasaParami, Four Noble Truths, and Nibbana. Art works in Vientiane, Lao PDR, found that the arts consisted of 2 architectures, Pha That Luang and Sim Wat Ong Tue, 5 sculptures, Buddha images of Phra Chao Yai in Paeng at Sim and Buddha Hall at Wat Phra Kaew, and mural paintings at Sisaket Temple. The Buddhadharma appeared in the arts in Vientiane to promote religious Tourism. The architecture of Phra That Luang and Sim Wat Ong Tue is Punnakiriya Vatthu, Three Characteristics, Eightfold Paths, and Nibbana. The sculptures at Phra Chao Yai In Paeng at Sim In Paeng temple and the Buddha Hall at Wat Phra Kaeo are the Three Characteristics: Noble Truth, Eightfold Paths, and Nibbana. Mural paintings in Vessantara Jataka at Sisaket Temple are Punnakiriya Vatthu, Noble Truth, Eightfold Paths, and Nibbana. These principles promote religious tourism that creates a spiritual dimension that is a sign of peace and happiness for the mind. Buddhadhamma symbolizes aesthetic beauty and economic activities that generate large amounts of income for the Lao government and people.

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How to Cite
Taphonepaseuth, P. T., Buarabha, H., & Saenmee, W. (2023). An Analysis of Buddhadhamma as Appeared in Vientiane’s Art Works to Promote Religious Tourism. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(3), 1584–1601. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Phra Thavone Taphonepaseuth, Khon Kaen University, Thailand



Homhuan Buarabha, Khon Kaen University, Thailand



Wichian Saenmee, Khon Kaen University, Thailand




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