Causal Factors Influencing Purchase Intention to Facial Skin Care Product Terry via Facebook Page in Thailand

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Arisa Sorin
Somchai Lekcharoen


The article aimed to 1) develop and validate a causal relationship model of purchase intention of Terry facial skin care products via Facebook pages in Thailand, and 2) study causal factors influencing purchase intention of Terry facial skin care products via Facebook pages in Thailand. This study was quantitative research. The sample consisted of 250 people who had bought Terry facial skin care products via Facebook pages and lived in Thailand by convenience sampling. The tools used in the research were online questionnaires. The statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, confirmatory factor analysis, and the structural equation model.

The results of this research were that the development of the causal relationship models consisted of 4 components: 1) social media; 2) trust; 3) perceived usefulness; and 4) purchase intention, and the model was consistent with the empirical data to a great extent. The statistics showed CMIN/df = 1.30, CMIN = 190.76, df = 147, GFI = 0.93, AGFI = 0.90, SRMR = 0.05, and RMSEA = 0.04. The final predictive coefficient was 0.93, indicating that the variables in the model can explain the variance of 93 percent. It was found that trust had the most influence on purchase intention. The results of this research suggest that entrepreneurs who sell Terry facial skin care products should take into account product reliability and credibility in the store for customers to trust in buying Terry facial skin care products via the Facebook page.

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How to Cite
Sorin, A., & Lekcharoen, S. (2023). Causal Factors Influencing Purchase Intention to Facial Skin Care Product Terry via Facebook Page in Thailand. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(4), 1911–1928. Retrieved from
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