Developing Learning Activities by Using Context-Based Learning with Infographics to Enhance Chemical Literacy on the Topic of Polymer of Grade 12 Students

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Sitthinee Klangnapha
Skonchai Chanunan


The purposes of this study were (1) to investigate ways of using Context-Based Learning with infographics for enhancing Chemical Literacy and (2) to examine the result of the developed learning management for enhancing Chemical Literacy on the topic of Polymer. This research was classroom action research model. The participants were 38 12th-grade students. They were selected by purposive sampling. The research instruments were: the developed lesson plans, reflect journal, the chemical literacy test and the students’ activities worksheets. Analysis data by content analysis and data creditability by triangulation was used.

The results found that 1. Using Context-Based Learning with Infographics to enhance chemical literacy involves the following processes: First, the teacher presents contexts that are relevant to students' lives to motivate their learning skills. Second, students plan and search for information from the students' activities worksheets. Third, students analyze and select reliable and correct information while giving proper reasons. Then, students use the information to make infographics and present their work. After that, the teacher and students summarize the knowledge. Next, the teacher presents new contexts that are similar to the previous contexts to show that this concept can be used in different contexts. The final step is for students to summarize the knowledge and how it can be used in their everyday lives by making infographics. 2. The results found that most of students had a high level of chemical literacy after learning through Context-Based Learning with infographics.

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How to Cite
Klangnapha, S., & Chanunan, S. (2023). Developing Learning Activities by Using Context-Based Learning with Infographics to Enhance Chemical Literacy on the Topic of Polymer of Grade 12 Students. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(5), 2487–2503. retrieved from
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