Phenomenon-based Learning Management with Gamification to Promote Scientific Literacy on Natural Disasters on the Surface of the Earth for Grade 8 Students

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Sureerut Manoi
Suriya Chapoo


This article aimed to (1) study the phenomenon-based learning management approach with gamification and to promote scientific literacy on natural disasters on the surface of the earth, and (2) study the promotion of scientific literacy with learning management using phenomena as a base with gamification. The research model was action research in the classroom. There were 3 action cycles as a research framework. The sample consisted of 36 8th grade students using purposive sampling. There were 4 types of research tools: 1) a learning management plan; 2) a reflection form; 3) a learning activity sheet; and 4) a scientific literacy assessment. The data were analyzed by content analysis and percentage statistics, and the development of science literacy levels was analyzed by scoring and grading according to the PISA 2015 assessment framework.

The research results were as follows: The phenomenon-based learning approach combined with gamification consists of 5 steps, emphasizing phenomena that are close to or encountered in daily life. Encourage students to express their opinions. Credible references are searched for. And rewarding students makes them more interested. The results of promoting science literacy revealed that the level of science literacy of students after learning was 2 levels higher than before learning at level 1b, and the students showed the greatest improvement in their competencies in assessing and designing scientific literacy acquisition processes.

The findings of this research are phenomena-based learning management with gamification. It can promote students' scientific intelligence. can be linked to real-life problems, and students who dare to express their own opinions enjoy doing more activities.

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How to Cite
Manoi, S., & Chapoo, S. (2023). Phenomenon-based Learning Management with Gamification to Promote Scientific Literacy on Natural Disasters on the Surface of the Earth for Grade 8 Students. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(3), 1617–1634. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Sureerut Manoi, Faculty of Education, Naresuan University, Thailand



Suriya Chapoo, Faculty of Education, Naresuan University, Thailand




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