Guidelines on the Quality of Life Development Responding to the Needs of People around the Power Plant in Tha Muang District, Kanchanaburi Province

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Jaratsri Jobphai
Vannee Niamhom
Chutathip Thawornratana


The research objectives were to study: 1) the actual state and the needs in the quality of life development of the people around the Power Plant in Tha Muang, Kanchanaburi; and 2) the guidelines on the quality of life development responding to the needs of the people around the Power Plant in Tha Muang, Kanchanaburi. The samples were 382 people who live around the power plant in Tha Muang district, Kanchanaburi, using purposive sampling according to the determined quota. The research instruments were a questionnaire and a focus group. The data were analyzed using basic statistics and content analysis.

The research findings were: 1) The actual state of people's quality of life development was moderate. The most important development was family; the needs in the quality of life development of people were high overall; the most important was residence; and the essential needs in the quality of life development of people were as follows: firstly, the environment of the community was not polluted. 2) The guidelines on the quality of life development responding to the needs of the people around the Power Plant in Tha Muang district, Kanchanaburi province, found that the public and private sectors, The people participated in finding ways to improve the quality of life by: 2.1) organizing activities to raise awareness of the importance of environmental issues in water, air, and waste; 2.2) training knowledge about the legal punishment regarding the environment; and 2.3) promoting waste management to develop the income of the community.

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How to Cite
Jobphai, J., Niamhom, V., & Thawornratana, C. (2023). Guidelines on the Quality of Life Development Responding to the Needs of People around the Power Plant in Tha Muang District, Kanchanaburi Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(4), 2090–2103. Retrieved from
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