Signification of Living Philosophy in Online Advertising

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Waantip Pongpapan
Rattapol Chaiyarat


This article aimed to study the interpretation of residential advertisements in online advertising media. A research model by analyzing the advertisement text. The concepts of interpretation and semiotics were used as research frameworks by studying samples from advertising images and residential commercials in online media. The results of the study revealed that the meaning of advertising images was divided into illustrations that convey direct meaning and symbolic illustrations that convey 5 meanings. Refers to the concept of design. It means luxury or a high price. It conveys the location and convenience of traveling and the marketing promotion. As for the commercial film, it was found that the meaning was conveyed through storytelling, divided into 2 types: the commercial film conveyed the concept of the project in question, and advertising films conveyed the concept or identity of the real estate developer company. Advertising has become a means of constructing meanings that shape reality in society. The semantic meaning is linked to entrepreneurial companies through advertising channels. By offering a variety of housing ads to respond to consumer behavior in the process of creating and seeking differentiation. By using images, lifestyles, and tastes, advertising does not only serve to persuade consumers. Create awareness and remember the product or brand of the product only.


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How to Cite
Pongpapan, W., & Chaiyarat, R. (2023). Signification of Living Philosophy in Online Advertising. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(4), 2104–2117. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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