Digital Technologies Usage Provide and Promote Learning for Teachers of Non-Formal and Informal Education Centre

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Pattra Vayachuta


The objectives of this article were: 1) to study the current situation and reasons for digital technology usage to provide and promote learning for non-formal and informal education teachers; and 2) to design the use of technology to provide and promote learning for non-formal and informal education teachers. The research method was descriptive research, divided into two phases. Phase 1 surveyed teachers. The research tool was a questionnaire collected by surveying 386 teachers through multi-stage random sampling. Data were analyzed by finding frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and open-ended questions using analytic induction. Phase 2 interviewed teachers, learners, and experts. The research tools were interview forms. Data were analyzed by analytic induction and a summary of the pattern of using digital technology to provide and promote learning for NFE teachers.

          The results showed that the current situation of using digital technology to provide and promote learning for NFE teachers is divided into 5 aspects: 1) learning planning and preparation; 2) providing learning activities; and 3) learning evaluation 4) monitoring, communication, public relations, and 5) using digital platforms of the NFE Office in all aspects, digital technology is used at a high level. The study of reasons for digital technology usage is divided into 2 aspects: 1) attitude toward use and 2) readiness and facilities. Both sides were at a high level. The results of creating a pattern for digital technology usage to provide and promote learning for teachers can be divided into the patterns for those who are digitally ready, namely the Learning Management System (LMS) of The Office of Non-formal and Informal Education. And the patterns for those who are digitally lacked the printed media should be prepared in the form of a guidebook presenting digital technology and having a QR code for connecting to digital media. including assignments that promote digital skills for learners.

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How to Cite
Vayachuta, P. (2023). Digital Technologies Usage Provide and Promote Learning for Teachers of Non-Formal and Informal Education Centre. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(3), 1672–1690. Retrieved from
Research Articles
Author Biography

Pattra Vayachuta, Faculty of Education Kasetsart University, Thailand




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