Teaching for the Development of ‘Wisdom’ for Higher Education

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Thirata Khamnong
Kannika Permpoonputtana
Sarun Kunwittaya
Nonthasruang Kleebpung


This research article on teaching for the development of 'wisdom' in higher education explores a definition and scope of wisdom and its application to the teaching and learning process for higher education students by using qualitative research, particularly in-depth interviews with people who have direct experience in Vipassana meditation, experts, education administrators, lecturers, and undergraduate students in the general education for human development course of Mahidol University for a total of 28 people.

The result showed that participants had a different understanding of the definition of wisdom based on their experiences. To develop a curriculum or course for wisdom development as Sammaditthi, the definitions and the three levels of wisdom development should be used according to the Buddhist philosophy, objectives, expected learning outcomes, and assessments should be set based on outcome-based education and Benjamin Bloom's taxonomy. In addition, lecturers, and undergraduate students in the general education for human development course at Mahidol University agreed that the course helps develop the minds, thoughts, and wisdom of learners. The course can be applied to a curriculum and other courses in higher education.

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How to Cite
Khamnong, T., Permpoonputtana, K., Kunwittaya, S., & Kleebpung, N. (2023). Teaching for the Development of ‘Wisdom’ for Higher Education. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(5), 2457–2471. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/265644
Research Articles


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