A Folk Media of Nostalgia: Jaopho-Jaomae Ceremonial Dance in Mon Phrapradaeng Community

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Kasidesh Nerngchamnong
Kittikorn Nopudomphan
Rawiwan Wanwichai


The objectives of this study were as follows: 1) to study the roles and responsibilities of Jaopho-jaomae Ceremonial Dance of Mon Phrapradaeng Community as the folk media, and 2) to study the nostalgia of Mon Phrapradaeng Community. Data were collected using a mixed-methods research design consisting of the qualitative research using in-depth interviews with 3 groups of samples: 1) successors; 2) participants; and 3) academicians, as well as participant observation, and the quantitative research using questionnaires with a group of 385 participants. The results of the study revealed that Jaopho-jaomae Ceremonial Dance of Mon Phrapradaeng Community had existed and had been inherited for a long time through animism, which was deeply rooted in the spirit of Mon people. 10 roles and responsibilities towards individuals, groups, and communities include the following: mobilizing the community, inheriting the belief, ensuring unity, creating and inheriting identity, building warmth and mental stability, entertaining, reforming society, creating shared memories, educating, and storing knowledge. In addition, it was found that Jaopho-jaomae Ceremonial Dance motivated nostalgic feelings through tangible and intangible cultural heritage. In this regard, there were three factors affecting nostalgia: 1) Emotional factors; 2) Situational factors; and 3) Stimulus factors.

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How to Cite
Nerngchamnong, K., Nopudomphan, K., & Wanwichai, R. (2023). A Folk Media of Nostalgia: Jaopho-Jaomae Ceremonial Dance in Mon Phrapradaeng Community. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(5), 2767–2782. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/266161
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