Synthesize Data for Designing 360 Degree Stimulation Video for Presenting Smart City Data Platform Management System

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Rawiphon Charunphankasem


This article aimed to (1) study the development of a 360-degree stimulation video for presenting Smart City data platform management systems and (2) synthesize data for designing a 360-degree stimulation video for presenting Smart City data platform management systems. The method was qualitative research. The research zone was Phuket City. The 10 experts who synthesized and determined the data and content in Thailand Smart City and the 5 experts involved in the process of designing 360-degree stimulation videos were involved in purposive sampling. The deep interview tool by quality of data and content in the Smart City process of design video and synthesis of data was descriptive. The results showed that the smart city presentation uses original content in the field of smart cities and city information platforms by presenting sample data from all 7 smart cities to create awareness among the public and 360-degree video design using Phuket City as an example to explain the smart city information management system.

Knowledge of the research was that the design of a 360-degree stimulation video for presenting the Smart City and Data Platform Management System can be practiced by using the Phuket Management System. The result can be applied to the present Smart City and Data Platform Management System for determining data to create media to encourage knowledge and better understanding by simulating Smart City to promote and view virtual reality, and the advantages of Smart City will be developed in the future.

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How to Cite
Charunphankasem, R. (2023). Synthesize Data for Designing 360 Degree Stimulation Video for Presenting Smart City Data Platform Management System. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(6), 3123–3135. Retrieved from
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