Accessibility to Dental Services for Inmates in Bangkok Prison

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Wuttichai Yanan
Wannarat Rattanawarang


This article aimed to study 1) situational access to dental services for detainees; and 2) perspectives of stakeholders in prisoner access to dental services. Qualitative research was done using the critical medical anthropology concept as a research framework. The research area was a Bangkok prison. 24 specifically selected key informants were divided into four categories: macro level, one Department of Corrections administrator; intermediate level, two correctional institution directors; micro level, 13 dental personnel; and individual level, eight nurses and two correctional officers. Data was collected by questionnaire for in-depth interviews in discussions between informants and interviewers and analyzed thematically.

Results showed that situational detainee access to dental services in Bangkok was insufficient, failing to serve detainee needs, and unresponsive due to different factors. At the macro level, the Department of Corrections focused mainly on controlling and correcting prisoner behavior. Therefore, providing health services for inmates was considered of secondary importance at the intermediate level. Penitentiaries and hospitals have policies to monitor prisoner health and medical treatment in addition to providing dental services to detainees, among other individual medical treatment rights. However, medical treatment was still needed due to budget constraints, dental staffing, and micro-level dental equipment conditions. Prison regulations affect the provision of dental treatment to detainees at individual levels. Inmate health behavior factors before entering prison and health benefits from medical treatment affected prisoner decisions to request dental services.

These findings may help develop an improved prison dental service system to permit inmates to access more comprehensive dental services, such as by developing service arrangements, suitable inmate dental care, and health policies, as well as increasing the potential of dental personnel to provide more comprehensive prison patient treatment.

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How to Cite
Yanan, W., & Rattanawarang, W. (2023). Accessibility to Dental Services for Inmates in Bangkok Prison. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(5), 2570–2586. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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