The Development of a Process to Become a Learning Organization in General Private Schools under the Office of the Private Education Commission
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This study aimed at 1) developing a process to become a learning organization; 2) trialing the process manual to become a learning organization; and 3) improving the process manual to become a learning organization in general education private schools under the Office of the Private Education Commission. There were three steps conducted, as follows: Step 1 was to develop a process to become a learning organization in general education private schools under the Office of the Private Education Commission; Step 2 was to trial the process manual to become a learning organization in general education private schools under the Office of the Private Education Commission; and Step 3 was to improve the process manual to become a learning organization in general education private schools under the Office of the Private Education Commission.
The results were as follows: 1. The results of the development of a process to become a learning organization in general education private schools under the Office of the Private Education Commission consisted of five systems: 1) learning system; 2) organizational system; 3) membership system; 4) knowledge system; and 5) technology system; 2. The results of the trial of the process manual to become a learning organization in general education private schools under the Office of the Private Education Commission at Pattayakitpittaya School for three months indicated that Pattayakitpittaya School’s process to become a learning organization as a whole and for each aspect was different from those before the trial with a statistical significance at the.05 level; and 3. The improvement of the process manual to become a learning organization in general education private schools under the Office of the Private Education Commission consisted of three issues: 3.1 There are too many content explanations in the manual; 3.2 Step 1 of the SWOT strategic plan should indicate who has or has made it; and 3.3 Fonts are too small and need to be appropriately adjusted.
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