Knowledge Management, and Lifelong Learning for Future Skills of Mass Media in Prevention of Social Violence in the Digital Era Media

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Suprawee Sirinukulwatana
Kritiya Rujichok


This article aimed to (1) study the context and factors that influence media knowledge management in preventing social violence in the digital era media; (2) create a knowledge management model and a lifelong learning process for future skills of mass media in preventing social violence in the digital era media; and (3) develop future skills and a lifelong learning process of mass media in preventing social violence in the digital era media. The sample included executives, journalists, media organizations, and scholars. They were selected by purposive sampling. The instruments for collecting data were a questionnaire and an in-depth interview. Analysis of data by descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, and standard deviation; in addition, content analysis by inductive process, extended text, and visual display. The research results were found as follows:

1. The factors that affect the knowledge management of the media depend on the knowledge management of the organization, managing the organization's performance, and implementing policies and regulations.

2. The model of knowledge management and lifelong learning for future skills in mass media begins with knowledge identification, learning, knowledge codification and refinement, knowledge access, knowledge sharing, knowledge utilization, and monitoring.

3. For improving future skills and a lifelong learning process, there was a research and development department in the organization, raising awareness, technology encouragement, self-knowledge enhancement, reward-based, creation of the network and agencies to protect it. The media organization should provide knowledge management to lead to a lifelong learning process.

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How to Cite
Sirinukulwatana, S., & Rujichok, K. (2023). Knowledge Management, and Lifelong Learning for Future Skills of Mass Media in Prevention of Social Violence in the Digital Era Media. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(6), 2923–2938. retrieved from
Research Articles


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