Curriculum Development of Pre-Cane Orientation and Mobility Skill Using Taba Model for Students with Visual Impairments and Multiple Disabilities

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Sumalee Rueantue
Pikul Leosiripong
Ratchaneekorn Tongsookdee
Soisuda Vittayakorn


This article aimed to study the development of pre-cane orientation and mobility skill curricula, with an efficiency test included. The eligible target group of five was purposefully selected with the following conditions: visually impaired and with multiple disabilities studied in a multi-graded classroom, Room 1 (kindergarten and grade 1), 6–13 years old, in a school dedicated to disabilities in Chiang Mai. The research tools at phase 1 were: 1) personal learner data checklist; 2) teacher interview forms to develop curriculum; and 3) post-test and use the data to find efficiency using the calculation formula E1/E2, set the 70/70 efficiency criterion by the scores of exercises and post-test. Data were analyzed with frequency, percentage, and average percentage.

The research results were found as follows: the development of a pre-cane orientation and mobility skill curriculum for students with multiple disabilities and visual impairments according to the Taba model was subject-mater course components with a complete and 80-hour time structure. The efficiency scores were 88.50/74.00, which were higher than the criterion. Knowledge of this research, the curriculum is appropriate for students with special needs and multiple disabilities. Students can apply it in their daily lives. Encourage students to be able to move themselves to different places. freely and safely.

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How to Cite
Rueantue, S., Leosiripong, P., Tongsookdee, R., & Vittayakorn, S. (2023). Curriculum Development of Pre-Cane Orientation and Mobility Skill Using Taba Model for Students with Visual Impairments and Multiple Disabilities. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(6), 2872–2887. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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