Infuences of Videos Viral on Purchasing Decisions of Franchised Beverage Customers

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Irene Pongamornrath
Suprasith Jarupathirun
Chanongkorn Kuntonbutr
Chow Rojanasang


This article aimed to study 1) the characteristics of social media that affect consumers' decisions to purchase franchised beverage products; 2) factors that affect the sharing and transmission of franchised beverage videos; and 3) viral video formats influencing franchised beverage purchase decisions. The purpose of this research was then concentrated on studying 1) characteristics of social media that affect consumers’ decisions to purchase beverage franchise products; 2) factors that contribute to the sharing and transmitting of video viral concerning beverage franchises; and 3) the standard format of video viral that has an influence on the decision to purchase beverage franchises.

The research methodology was quantitative. The quantitative method used questionnaires to survey customers of beverages from the three most popular brands: Coffee Today, Intimin, and Coffee Word. By using multi-stage learning to earn 405 subjects and applying structural equation modeling. The quantitative results indicated that viral video has a direct influence on purchase decisions and an indirect influence through word of mouth at a regression weight of .932 and passed the second largest consumer trust factor at an influence weight of .866. Through the variable of brand engagement at the influence weight of .777, the last order with statistical significance at .01, the conclusion of content analysis from qualitative research found that viral videos suggest useful content and promote better trademark recognition. Trust factor Characteristics of the seller Franchise systems and product reputations support purchase decisions; word of mouth in the form of product reviews and commenting is an important source of information supporting purchasing decisions; and engagement, consisting of satisfaction with information exposure and applying for membership, contributes to purchasing decisions.

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How to Cite
Pongamornrath, I., Jarupathirun, S., Kuntonbutr, C., & Rojanasang, C. (2023). Infuences of Videos Viral on Purchasing Decisions of Franchised Beverage Customers. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(4), 2214–2229. retrieved from
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