Examining Educational Resource Allocation and Educational Quality Inequality: A Case Study of Schools in Chumphon Province
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This article aimed to examine the impact of the allocation of educational resources, including budgets, teacher qualifications, school directors' qualifications, school size and location, the availability of learning resources, and classroom adequacy. The research employed quantitative data analysis and multiple linear regression to investigate the relationship between these factors and disparities in educational quality. The data used in this study consisted of secondary data on school resources and O-NET scores, specifically encompassing 252 schools in Chumphon Province, falling under the jurisdiction of Chumphon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, Chumphon Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, and the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Surat Thani Chumphon.
The findings indicated that variations in the allocation of educational resources among schools, despite following the same core curriculum in basic education, contribute to inequalities in educational quality. The factors found to influence the quality of education include budget allocation, the proportion of government teachers among the total teaching staff at the school, the academic position and qualifications of the school director, school size, and the ratio of science equipment to the number of students.
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