IOT Disruption in Mining Industry: A Narrative Review of IOT Technologies and Tools in Mining Industry

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Mohammadamin Dadras
Mahdi Amirkhani
Sanam Sabooni
Firouz Anaraki


The Internet of Things has already leveraged different industries as the front line of Industry 4.0 and the drivers of what is called the digital transition. As the relevant technologies are developed exponentially, it is always challenging to identify their potential and offer solutions on time. The mining industry is one of the latest sectors that grasps innovations and technologies to benefit itself and others that are dependent on them. In this paper, we aim at reviewing the already-used cases of IOT in the mining industry’s digital transition. Specifically, we reveal the challenges that are on the way to adapting IOT technologies, and related ones like automation, in this important industry. Furthermore, the technologies with possible applications in the mining industry that need IOT as pre-requirements are reviewed, and their key performance and benefits to the industry are analyzed. Finally, the concept of industry 5.0, its dependence on IOT, and its current situation in the mining industry are assessed. To prepare the overview, we used 3 main keywords combined with the phrase "mining industry" and searched through 3 major and relevant scientific platforms that publish relevant articles. The final insights, critics, and offerings are based on analyzing the most relevant, cited, and fundamental papers on the subject.

This research highlights the growing importance of IoT, digital transformation, and digital twins in the mining industry. These technologies are pivotal in addressing efficiency, safety, sustainability, and productivity challenges in the sector. However, their adoption is hindered by factors such as low digital maturity, a lack of skilled personnel, high costs, and resistance to change. Solutions include integrating IoT data, enhancing data analytics, and utilizing digital simulation tools like digital twins. Continuous education and the bridging of gaps between technological advancements and mining operations are also essential.

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How to Cite
Dadras, M., Amirkhani, M., Sabooni, S., & Anaraki, F. (2024). IOT Disruption in Mining Industry: A Narrative Review of IOT Technologies and Tools in Mining Industry. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), 203–225. Retrieved from
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