Enhancing People’s Learning Towards Being a Learning City with City-Level Cooperation Mechanisms Based on Biological Resources and Cultural Identity of Pak Phun Municipality, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province

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Damrongphun Jaihoweeerapong
Surasak Keaw-on
Somrak Rodjareon
Thatcha Sampim


The learning of people in Pak Phun Municipality were affected to local development including strength and weakness which were internal factors under required problems by people. The objectives of this research were 1) to develop a mechanism for driving a learning city toward sustainability through the cooperation of knowledge networks in Pak Phun Municipality area,
2) to the local study, lead to local pride and lead to products and services development in Pak Phun Municipality area, and 3) to develop learning areas and a living museum, upgrade quality of life of people in Pak Phun Municipality area concretely. This research was a qualitative research. Informants were administrators, municipal officers, people in the community of Pak Phun, entrepreneurs, service users, academics, representatives from relevant agencies 306 people. This research was studied by data surveys, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, research seminars covering target groups. Data were taken for qualitative analysis and presented to the public on the idea. The results revealed database of biological resources divided into plants (17 species) and animals (41 families, 49 genera, 51 species). Local Wisdom of utilizations were diverse and upgraded into 2 local products.  Historical capital was created local pride leading to community management through “I-Thao Pak Phun” mechanism of Pak Phun movement. Their movement was acted by community need, rules created together, external agencies promoting plus led to created Living Museum “Umong Kongkang” “Kwam suk chaw leh market” that was grassroots economy and quality of life of the Pak Phun people upgrading. Suggestions: Pak Phun Municipality could be clarified for other areas for policy and city driving endorsement to learning city efficiently and sustainably.

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How to Cite
Jaihoweeerapong, D., Keaw-on, S., Rodjareon, S., & Sampim, T. (2023). Enhancing People’s Learning Towards Being a Learning City with City-Level Cooperation Mechanisms Based on Biological Resources and Cultural Identity of Pak Phun Municipality, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(6), 3029–3044. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/267499
Research Articles


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