Delivery Industrial Food of Standard Pricing on Application Online

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Weerawan Pinchumpholsang
Somjai Srinet


This article aimed to (1) identify factors influencing the pricing of the food industry on applications online; (2) find the impact of these factors on delivery food pricing; and (3) find the pricing of food delivery on an online application affected by these factors. The methodology involved the data collection of six food delivery applications, selecting a sample from 6 apps. The food delivery service of 100 first food shops per application within 3-4 menu foods had the highest score of orders, totaling 2,017 samplings to be found around Prachuapkhirikhan province. The research employed statistical analysis, specifically multiple regression equations, to determine hedonic pricing in the food industry. The research results were as follows:

1) Factors affecting food delivery prices through online applications. Structural characteristics such as food type, quantity, order, star ratings, and the addition of seasonings affect food pricing. The accessibility characteristics of food delivery were assessed, including free shipping when buy one, get one free, buy one, get two free, buy 200 baht to discount food, more free promotions for more products, and types of applications used to order food and delivery prices.

2) The level of factors that affect the price of food delivery via online applications are satisfaction with the price of food delivery via online application, the price of food delivery, and the free promotion plus additional food.

3) Food delivery prices via online applications were classified by type of cooking, food origins, and the online delivery platform used, influenced by environmental aspects, accessibility, and food attributes.

The implementation of this research was to obtain complete information on delivery food pricing. Based on the distinct app's accessories and the food’s cuisine, incomplete food ordering information (asymmetry information) causes food delivery prices to fluctuate and be uncertain.


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How to Cite
Pinchumpholsang, W., & Srinet, S. (2024). Delivery Industrial Food of Standard Pricing on Application Online. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), 362–379. retrieved from
Research Articles


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