Chinese EFL University Teachers’ Affective Experiences for Continuous Professional Development

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Jing Wu


Affective experiences are of critical importance in the teaching profession, exerting a significant influence on teachers' well-being and satisfaction during their Continuous Professional Development (CPD). In this study, a qualitative case study methodology was used to explore the positive and negative affective experiences of Chinese English as a Foreign Language (EFL) university teachers in the context of Continuous Professional Development (CPD). Nine teachers were invited to participate in in-depth interviews, selected to represent differences in gender, job title, educational background, and university rankings. Oral storytelling and reflective writing were also utilized as additional methods to gather comprehensive data. The data was managed by employing affectivities from the combined Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) to extract Chinese EFL university teachers’ affectivities from both positive and negative perspectives. The research results were as follows: a) The perceptions of negative affect, such as nervousness, helplessness, and distress, were reported as the highest experiences for teachers during the process of CPD. From the affect component perceived, five particular types of negative affects were identified: anger, contempt, disappointment, dissatisfaction, and helplessness. b) On the other hand, the perceptions of positive affect, such as feeling alert, proud, happy, and grateful, were higher than others. Additionally, a positive affect described as "contented" was detected and added. c) The major factors resulting in teachers' negative affect experiences are gender, educational background, and job title, while the factor influencing teachers' positive affect experiences is mainly the university rank. Building on this foundation, the present study explored the potential factors that influence teachers' perceptions of affect and the methods they use to regulate positive and negative effects in the context of CPD.

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How to Cite
Wu, J. (2023). Chinese EFL University Teachers’ Affective Experiences for Continuous Professional Development. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(6), 3294–3318. retrieved from
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