Marketing Mix Strategy to Enhance Competitive Advantage of Organic Pig Manure Fertilizers Business from Biogas Farms in Kanchanaburi Province

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Pattaraporn Puisuwan
Supinda Rithichan
Narin Chumnandoo
Sopana Sawetkochakul


This article’s purposes were study demanding of using pigs’ organic fertilizer in Kanchanaburi Province and create the strategy of marketing mix for making comparative advantage in organic fertilizer business from biogas farms in Kanchanaburi Province. Research design was mixed methods. The quantitative study samples were 398 farmers who produced the important agricultural products in Kanchanaburi Province analyze the data consisted of mean and standard deviation. In the qualitative research section, data were collected by interviewing key informants, group of fertilizer manufacturers and fertilizer distributors 12 people, a group of entrepreneur’s pig farm 3 people and scholars 6 people analyzed using SWOT Analysis, TOWS Matrix and content analysis. The finding revealed that:

1. Group of the key farmers in Kanchanaburi Province, they bought sludge of pig manure and the demand of fertilizer pellets was 84.67% and the purchase demand 2-10 tons a time was 89.95%. The demand purchase not over twice a year was 82.16% and the demand purchase 5,000-10,000 THB a time was 89.95%.

2. The three marketing mix strategies were: (1) Zero Emission strategy, It brought sludge of pig manure and made of fertilizer pellets; (2) Zero Miles strategy, Making the strategies were differences from experts for balanced soil used for cultivation and got advice from experts in using the right amount, Adjusting the balance soil for cultivation; strategy toward to target group and (3) Zero waste city strategy, especially of farmer market in vicinity and try out and word of mouth.

Information from this research found that entrepreneur in business pig farms have guidelines to for making comparative advantage in organic fertilizer business from ZeroEMW Model. It consisted of Zero Emission strategy, Zero Miles strategy, and Zero waste city strategy.

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How to Cite
Puisuwan, P., Rithichan, S., Chumnandoo, N., & Sawetkochakul, S. (2023). Marketing Mix Strategy to Enhance Competitive Advantage of Organic Pig Manure Fertilizers Business from Biogas Farms in Kanchanaburi Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6(5), 2813–2829. Retrieved from
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