The Development and Application of Lac Wisdom According to the Creative Economy of Nong Muang Sub-District Community, Borabue District, Maha Sarakham Province

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Stian Dhammaprasert
Chalong Phanchan


This research article aimed to study the wisdom of lac development and application according to the creative economy of the community in Nong Muang sub-district, Borabue district, Mahasarakham province. This was qualitative research aimed at 50 lac planters in Nong Muang sub-district communities in 4 villages, using in-depth interviews and small group discussions. The data were then analyzed according to concepts and theories and presented as descriptive analytical data.

The results showed that the important lac wisdom of Nong Muang sub-district communities was as follows: 1) Selection of lac species, namely the species of lac to be cultivated; 2) Cultivation, which is preparation and planning for the distribution of lac; 3) Selection of trees for lac cultivation by selecting suitable trees for lac culture; 4) Breeding lac is selecting the best lac species among all lac; 5) Wrapping lac is wrapping selected lac with natural and household materials; 6) Eradication of lac pests is destroying the habitats of lac pests on the raindrops; 7) Bringing lac packets to culture on the Jamjuree tree is to bring lac packets up and hang on the branches to allow lac to propagate.

Development and application, according to the creative economy of the Nong Muang sub-district community, found that the lac culture group in the Nong Muang sub-district community developed and spread the lac species to the Northeastern region. The group relied on experience, observation, participation, action, and recognition to show the changes and differences in the adaptation and growth of the lac insects in each area, without bringing the lac species of other culture groups into the mix, until it was developed into a community species of lac and then applied to add value, such as fabric dyes, medicines, food coloring, talismans, musical instruments, etc., which is in accordance with the community's creative economy approach. This is a continuous development process based on the wisdom of the Lac Culture Group to promote the community economy.

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How to Cite
Dhammaprasert, S., & Phanchan, C. (2024). The Development and Application of Lac Wisdom According to the Creative Economy of Nong Muang Sub-District Community, Borabue District, Maha Sarakham Province. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), 294–309. Retrieved from
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