Management Processes to Influences on Effectiveness of Business Organizations as Small and Medium Enterprises in Bangkok
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The objectives of this research article were 1) to study the POSDCoRB management process of small and medium enterprises business organizations in Bangkok; 2) to study the effectiveness of small and medium enterprises in Bangkok; and 3) to study the POSDCoRB management process that influences the effectiveness of small and medium enterprises business organizations in Bangkok. The research format was quantitative. The sample group consisted of 400 small and medium enterprises in Bangkok using a random selection method based on probability. A questionnaire was used as a research tool. Data were analyzed using frequency statistics. Standard Deviation, Pearson Correlation, and Stepwise Regression Analysis.
It was found that 1) the management process of business organizations as small and medium enterprises scales in planning and budgeting at high levels. As for personnel management, organization management, coordination, administration, and reporting were at a moderate level; 2) organizational effectiveness Overall, there was a positive relationship at a high level in terms of achieving goals. and maintaining the integrity of the value system at a high level. As for job satisfaction and organizational adjustment, it was at a moderate level; and 3) The POSDCoRB management process was related in the same direction to organizational effectiveness. The coordination aspect was most relevant to the organization's adaptation aspect. Budgeting and maintaining the integrity of the secondary value system and management processes. Coordination, budgeting, and organization influence organizational effectiveness. Statistically significant at the 0.01 level.
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