Determinants of Students’ Learning Satisfaction in Project-Based Learning Class, in a Foreign Language School, China

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Haiwen Zhang


This study explores the impact of Project-Based Learning on students' learning satisfaction in a foreign language school. Using quantitative research, students' motivation, communication and collaboration skills and behavioral attitudes in relation to their learning satisfaction within PBL classes was analyzed. A sample of grade 9 students from a foreign language middle school participated. The study employs a questionnaire survey method, utilizing SPSS for analyzing reliability, and Jamovi for comprehensive data analytics and hypothesis testing. Results indicate a significant influence of collaboration skills on learning satisfaction (28.9% variance, p = 0.001, β = .6436). However, motivation, communication skills, and behavioral attitudes did not significantly impact satisfaction. Future research directions are proposed for a more comprehensive understanding. A longitudinal study could reveal the sustained effects of PBL over time, while comparative analyses across grade levels and cultural backgrounds would offer insights into developmental trajectories and cultural influences. Exploring teachers' and parents' perspectives could provide a holistic view of PBL implementation. Lastly, a mixed-methods approach might deepen insights by combining qualitative and quantitative data. These recommendations aim to enhance an understanding of PBL's impact and inform effective educational practices. This research contributes to a nuanced perspective on the intricate dynamics between PBL and students' learning satisfaction.


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How to Cite
Zhang, H. (2024). Determinants of Students’ Learning Satisfaction in Project-Based Learning Class, in a Foreign Language School, China. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), 245–271. retrieved from
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