Vitalizing Classroom Activities for Teaching Business English

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Sureepong Phothongsunan


Teachers of Business English are more often than not anticipated to develop customized materials for their EFL/ESL learners coming of age and more eager to be partaking than ever in the new normal and this everchanging proactive learning environment. At times, Business English teachers can well serve to draw learners to certain jargon and business-related vocabulary, offer helpful practices, or provide impetus for engagement in the classroom. A profusion of Business English teachers today endeavor to initiate creative activities that aim to increase learner interaction and interest. This can be an extremely challenging task for new or inexperienced teachers of Business English. This paper is written to provide a framework to help Business English teachers develop bespoke lessons or tasks by making use of accessible published materials, innovative input from EFL/ESL learners in the classroom, and other hands-on classroom-based activities. It is suggested that by adopting this framework, based on the author’s stance and experience, Business English teaching becomes dynamic, creative, and purposeful aligned with the underlying principles of English for Specific Purposes (ESP), which designates that language teaching is ultimately oriented to satisfy learners’ needs.  

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How to Cite
Phothongsunan, S. (2024). Vitalizing Classroom Activities for Teaching Business English. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 937–944. Retrieved from
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