The Development of Multidimensional Metacognition Scale for Middle School Students: An Application of Within–Items Multidimensional Item Response Theory
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This Article aimed to (1) construct and develop multidimensional metacognition scale for middle school students and (2) verify the quality of multidimensional metacognition scale for middle school students. The sample was 1,072 middle school students under the Chiang Mai Secondary Educational Service Area Office. They were selected by multi-stage sampling. The instrument for collecting data was multidimensional metacognition scale for middle school students. Analysis data by confirm factor analysis (CFA) and Multidimensional Graded – Response Model. The research results were found as follows;
1. The Multidimensional Metacognition Scale for early secondary school students, consists of 22 items. It is characterized as a situational assessment with 5 scenarios, presented in a multiple-choice format with 4 options each. The content validity (IOC) of multidimensional metacognition scale for 22 items are 0.80 - 1.00, item Discriminant index (rxy) range from 0.233 – 0.535 and reliability is 0.825.
2. The quality of multidimensional metacognition scale, the first check the agreement on multidimension was fitted well with the empirical data (c2 = 148.721, df = 123, p-value = 0.057). The slope parameter of Metacognitive Knowledge (MK) dimension is between 0.949 - 2.235, The slope parameter of Metacognitive Experience (ME) dimension is between 0.110 - 3.095. The difficult parameter (Threshold: βi) is the lowest order value (β1 < β2 < β3). Reliability by EAP, MK dimension is 0.859 and ME dimension is 0.862.
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