Exposure to Online Reviews and Marketing Mix Factors That Affect Gen Y's Intention to Use Café
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The purposes of this article were 1) to study the relationship between exposure to online reviews and the intention to use cafe services among Generation Y; 2) to study the relationship between marketing mix factors and Generation Y's intention to use café services; and 3) to investigate the impact of exposure to internet reviews and marketing mix factors on Generation Y's intention to use café services. This was a quantitative study. An online questionnaire was used as an instrument for collecting data from 400 people in Gen Y who use café services. Convenience sampling was used in the data collection. Data were analyzed using both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics, using Pearson's correlation and multiple regression analysis (MRA). It was found that most of the samples were women between the ages of 22 and 26 who were studying at the bachelor level and earning between 10,000 and 20,000 Baht. The sample group had limited overall access to coffee shops. According to the hypothesis test results, the openness of online reviews and marketing component factors were statistically significantly linked to the intention to use the coffee shop service at level.05, and the exposure to social media reviews and marketing mix affects the intention to use café services in Gen Y at the.05 level of significance.
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