How to Develop Thai Express Delivery Business for Sustainable Survival

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Nichakorn Panmanee


The express transportation industry, both globally and in Thailand, is experiencing rapid growth due to changes in consumer behavior, such as online shopping. As a result, there is a need for efficient transportation of goods from local and international sellers to buyers. By 2023, the Thai express transportation market is projected to reach a value of 115 billion baht with an impressive growth rate of 18 percent. Despite advancements in logistics technology that have improved efficiency, there are still dissatisfied customers within the industry. Additionally, express transportation businesses face challenges, including financial losses and issues with their own transport employees. This study aims to explore sustainable development strategies for the Thai express transportation sector. The SLIMC Model provides valuable guidelines for this purpose, encompassing elements such as sustainability policies (S), enhancing logistics service quality (L), fostering innovation (I), improving management practices (M), and embracing corporate social responsibility (C). These guidelines can effectively steer the development of the Thai express transportation industry towards long-term sustainability.


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How to Cite
Panmanee, N. (2024). How to Develop Thai Express Delivery Business for Sustainable Survival. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 945–954. Retrieved from
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