Guidelines for Developing the Bachelor of Business Administration Curriculum Bachelor's Degree in Marketing and Personal Branding

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Supawan Apicharttraisorn
Pramote Yotkeaw
Phattaraporn Timdang
Apipha Nonthirat
Supaporn Sompaiboon


This article aimed to study 1) the needs for curriculum development; 2) the characteristics and necessary skills of graduates; and 3) guidelines for developing a graduate curriculum in marketing and personal branding at the bachelor's degree level. A mixed-methods research method was used by collecting information from stakeholders using questionnaires and in-depth interviews, along with checking the accuracy of the data before analyzing it with descriptive statistics, content analysis, qualitative data analysis, and integrating information. The results of the research found that: 1) the new curriculum must emphasize practice and learn through online learning and learn about posture that is appropriate for the profession at the right time and promote human relations and emotional control; 2) the new curriculum must develop characteristics such as the ability to be creative, responsible, patient, have a good personality, have the ability to adapt in various situations, and always want to know and learn new things. Moreover, there are skills that include analytical thinking, digital knowledge, cooperation, communication, professional market research, and environmental assessment. Skills and 3) a graduate program in marketing and personal branding must have guidelines for student development that take into account sustainability and ethics, knowledge and the ability to understand, expand, interpret, and summarize, the ability to be an analyst and be able to adapt to situations, teamwork, being able to convey information, and emotional control, which change the brush of identity.

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How to Cite
Apicharttraisorn, S., Yotkeaw, P., Timdang, P., Nonthirat, A., & Sompaiboon, S. (2024). Guidelines for Developing the Bachelor of Business Administration Curriculum Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing and Personal Branding. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 862–877. Retrieved from
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