Chinese Consumers’ Purchase Intention of Electric Car Innovation

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Yiqing Dou
Woranat Sangmanee
Wawmayura Chamsuk


This study aims to delve into the multifaceted influencing factors of electric car purchase intention within the dynamic landscape of the Chinese automotive market. By constructing a comprehensive conceptual model and integrating insights from both the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), alongside an in-depth analysis of the practical context of the Chinese new energy vehicle market, we designed an extensive online questionnaire. This questionnaire was strategically distributed across three major provinces in China to ensure a diverse and representative sample. With 316 valid responses meticulously collected, our rigorous data analysis employed the latest statistical techniques using SPSS 25.0. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was then applied to dissect and elucidate the intricate relationships among the variables under investigation. The research findings are as follows:

1. Perceived ease of use significantly enhances perceived usefulness, thereby shaping consumer attitudes towards electric vehicles (EVs). This finding not only sheds light on the importance of user-friendly design and interface but also underscores the significance of seamless integration of EV technology into consumers' daily lives.

2. Subjective norms emerged as a significant influence on purchase intentions, highlighting the role of societal perceptions and pressures. This highlights the intricate interplay between individual decision-making and broader socio-cultural influences within the Chinese context.

3. Chinese consumers' intentions to purchase EVs are significantly influenced by their perceptions of ease of use and usefulness, their attitudes towards EVs, and the societal norms they are exposed to. Addressing these factors strategically can facilitate the development of the EV market in China.

4. This research bridges the gap between technology acceptance theories and their practical application in the context of EVs in China. By integrating TPB and TAM and applying them to real-world settings, the study offers a comprehensive understanding of consumer behavior in the emerging EV market.

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How to Cite
Dou, Y., Sangmanee, W. ., & Chamsuk, W. (2024). Chinese Consumers’ Purchase Intention of Electric Car Innovation. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 1150–1167. Retrieved from
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