Developing Inspiration Speaking Competences for Life Insurance Business Executives

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Jatupone Chompoonich
Trakul Chitwattanakorn
Nopparat Noyjarean


This article aimed to study aimed to study 1) study the competencies and needs of inspiration speaking among life insurance business executives, 2) study the development of inspiration speaking competencies of life insurance business executives, by using a mixed method. This study examined five life insurance companies, the research tools included semi-structured in-depth interviews to determine the competencies of inspiration speaking, consisting of 19 executives. Using a purposive sampling and collect data from questionnaires of 384 sector managers, then creating the tool to develop inspiration speaking competencies inspected by 12 experts from purposive sampling using focused group. Statistics and methods used to analyze the data include percentage, mean, standard deviation, Priority Needs Index (PNImodified) The research results showed that: 1) A qualitative study conducted through semi-structured interviews found that most executives lacked of inspiration speaking skills and quantitative studies found the inspiration speaking competency of skills (PNImodified = 0.168), knowledge (PNImodified = 0.164) and attitudes (PNImodified = 0.156), respectively. 2) The results of developing inspiration speaking competencies the executives using mixed training courses and guidance were found to be most appropriate.

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How to Cite
Chompoonich, J., Chitwattanakorn, T., & Noyjarean, N. (2024). Developing Inspiration Speaking Competences for Life Insurance Business Executives. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(3), 1752–1766. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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