Quality Mechanism to Enhance Efficiency of the Educational Service

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Prasit Nookung


The objective of this article is to present a quality mechanism to improve efficiency. Operations of the Educational Service Area Office According to the Operational Framework of the Educational Service Area Office Concept of Operating According to Policy. Especially the framework for evaluating national quality awards. From the study of theoretical concepts literature review and interview relevant people. It was found that there are 245 educational area offices throughout the country. Still unable to carry out all missions efficiently to the point of receiving awards and honors. Therefore, this article will show guidelines for the efficient operation of the Educational Service Area Office. There are international standards. According to the framework and operational guidelines according to the National Quality Award criteria. Which is considered a world-class operating standard. It can also be a guarantee of the quality of operations. Resulting in the opportunity to receive national awards. If any area office submits a request for evaluation to receive a National Quality Award, the quality mechanism consists of 5 mechanisms: 1) Mechanisms for Promoting the Culture of Excellence: MPCE 2) Mechanisms for Continuous Improvement of Operations: MCIO 3) Mechanisms for Improving Service Provider Satisfaction: MISPS 4) Mechanisms for Developing Increased Engagement of Personnel: MDIEP 5) Mechanisms for Organization of Excellence: MOE. Under the guidelines for implementing the quality award criteria (TQA), which has criteria as a direction for implementation and consists of 7 categories and 17 topics, to lead the organization to be effective, the author therefore presents quality mechanisms to enhance the efficiency of the Office of the Field of Education presented in this academic article.

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How to Cite
Nookung, P. (2024). Quality Mechanism to Enhance Efficiency of the Educational Service. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(3), 1720–1733. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jmhs1_s/article/view/270648
Academic Articles


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