Causal Factors Influencing Loyalty to Buy Skincare on Application Tiktok Shop of Consumers in Bangkok and Its Vicinity
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This article aimed to 1) empirically study the causal relationship model of customer loyalty when purchasing skin care through the TikTok Shop application in Bangkok and its vicinity; and 2) study the causal factors that influence customer loyalty when purchasing skin care through the TikTok shopping application in Bangkok and its vicinity. The research format was quantitative research. The tools used to collect data were online questionnaires. The sample group consisted of 200 people who had previously purchased skin care through the TikTok Shop application and lived in Bangkok and the surrounding areas. Statistics used to analyze the data include frequency, percentage, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation models.
It was found that the developed causal relationship model consists of four aspects: 1) service quality; 2) organizational reputation; 3) trust in the organization; and 4) customer loyalty. This was in good agreement with the empirical data, considering the CMIN/df value = 1.55, the GFI value = 0.94, the AGFI value = 0.91, the SRMR value = 0.03, the RMSEA value = 0.05, and the prediction coefficient = 0.62, indicating that the variables in the model can explain the variance in customer loyalty at 62 percent. It was found that trust and organizational reputation have a direct effect on customer loyalty, respectively. Service quality has an indirect influence on customer loyalty via trust. To build loyalty among skincare customers who purchase through TikTok channels, entrepreneurs should build customer trust in the organization's reputation and service quality.
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