Technological Leadership Model Based on Vuddhidhamma Principles for Educational Institution Administrator under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area
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This article aimed 1) to study the needs of technological leadership of educational institution administrators under the jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, 2) to develop a technological leadership model based on the 4 principles of Vuddhidhamma for educational institution administrators under the jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, and 3) to evaluate the technological leadership model according to the 4 principles of Vuddhidhamma for educational institution administrators under the jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The study uses an integrated research method. The research was carried out in 3 steps: Step 1: To study the needs of technological leadership of educational institution administrators. A questionnaire was used for a sample of 364 teachers in educational institutions. The data were analyzed by using statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and necessary needs (PNIModified). Step 2: To develop a model by using interviews with 10 key-informants through a semi-structured questionnaire and group discussions with 9 experts with group discussion questions. The data were analyzed by using content analysis. And step 3: To evaluate the model by using an evaluation form for a sample of 92 educational institution administrators. The data were analyzed by using statistics, including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.
The results of the study found that: 1. Requirements for technological leadership of educational institution administrators under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office were found that the highest need index was having technological vision, followed by using technology in teaching, supporting, managing and operating technology and the use of technology in measurement and evaluation, respectively. 2. A technological leadership model based on the 4 principles of Vuddhidhamma for educational institution administrators under the jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office consists of 5 elements. 3. Assessment of the technological leadership model according to the 4 principles of Vuddhidhamma for educational institution administrators under the jurisdiction of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office, the evaluation results were at the highest level overall. When considering each aspect, the evaluation results were at the highest level in all 4 areas, namely usefulness, appropriateness, correctness, and feasibility, respectively. In summary, the body of research knowledge is concluded into TIVAVA. T stands for Technological leadership, I for Innovation, V for Vision, A for Administration, V for Vuddhidhamma, and A for Application.
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