The Development of Modern Political Management with the Power of Houses Temples and Schools in the Digital Age

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Phra Naschana Mahamongkalo (Sangchang)
Ketsada Phathong


Research On the Development of Modern Political Management with The Power of Houses, Temples, And Schools in This Digital Age. It Is Qualitative Research. Field Research Model the Objectives Are as Follows: 1) To Study the Development of Modern Political Management with The Power of Houses, Temples, Schools in The Digital Age 2) To Develop Modern Political Management with The Power of Houses, Temples, Schools in The Digital Age And 3) To Apply Modern Political Management with The Power of Homes, Temples, Schools in The Digital Age. There Are 5 Groups of People or Key Informants Used in Research Using In-Depth Interviews and Focus Group Discussions: Group 1: Buddhist Scholars or Abbots. Group 2: Political Science Scholars. Group 3: Mass Media, Group 4: Academics in Education or Administrators, And Group 5: Local Leaders or Heads of Families. Total Number: 30 Photos/Person. Data Analysis Were Descriptive Content Analysis.

The Research Results Were Found as Follows: 1. From Studying, You Gain Important Knowledge. Modern Political Management with The Power of Houses, Temples, And Schools in The Digital Age Is as Follows: (1) Gain Knowledge About Management Development (2) Gain Knowledge About Modern Politics (3) Gain Knowledge About the Power of Houses, Temples, And Schools And (4) Gain Knowledge About the Digital and Digital Era.

2. The Development of Modern Political Management with The Power of Houses, Temples, And Schools in The Digital Age Provides Information for Creating Patterns. Modern Political Management with The Power of Homes, Temples, And Schools in The Digital Age as Follows: (1) Problem Conditions (2) Political Needs (3) Modern Politics Through Digital Media (4) Modern Media in The Digital Age (5) Political Principles in The Regime Democracy And (6) Development of Modern Political Management.

3. “Home” Is Responsible for Personnel, Budget, And Supervision. “Wat” Is Responsible for Planning and Coordination. “School” Is Responsible for Organization, Administration, And Reporting Results.

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How to Cite
Mahamongkalo (Sangchang), P. N., & Phathong, K. (2024). The Development of Modern Political Management with the Power of Houses Temples and Schools in the Digital Age. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(3), 1470–1486. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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