Charismatic Leadership Model According to The Principles of Bala for School Administrators Under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration
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This article aimed to 1) study the needs and necessities for charismatic leadership among educational institution administrators; 2) develop a charismatic leadership model based on the principles of physical education for educational institution administrators; and 3) evaluate the charismatic leadership model based on the principles of physical education for educational institution administrators Under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. This study was mixed methods research.
The results of the study were as follows: 1. The need for the prestige and leadership of school administrators In Bangkok, the highest demand index was for inspiration, followed by intelligence. Practice and create a vision, respectively. 2. The development of a form of prestige leadership in accordance with the principles of physical education for school administrators. Bangkok consists of five components, namely: 1) integrated Buddhism. The development of prestige leadership by integrating with the principles; 2) objectives for the school administrators to have characteristics of prestige leadership; 3) integration of conditions; 4) The use of four school administrations is academic administration. Budget management Personnel management, general administration; and 5) assessment. and 3. Evaluation of the charismatic leadership style based on the principles of physical education for educational institution administrators. Under Bangkok Overall, it is at the highest level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the evaluation results were at the highest level in all 4 areas, namely correctness, usefulness, appropriateness, and feasibility.
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