The Effect of Instructional Model using Project-Based Learning with Graphic Organizers to Enhance for Secondary Students’ Computational Thinking

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Ratchada Thepprasit
Charun Sanrach
Jiraphan Srisomphan


The objectives of this research were to study 1) compare the computational thinking skills of the sample groups between pre-learning and post-learning through the instructional model using project-based learning with graphic organizer to enhance computational thinking skills for secondary school students 2) observe students' behavior Participation 3) to evaluate students' project performance. 4) to evaluate the quality of students' projects 5) Students should self-assess their computational thinking skills. 6) student satisfaction and teachers' opinions regarding the developed instructional model. The research model was research and development. Using a simple random sampling method. The tools used in the research include: 1) the instructional package according to the developed instructional model 2) Computational thinking skills assessment form 3) Participation behavior observation form 4) Project performance evaluation form 5) Project quality assessment form 6) Self-assessment form for computational thinking skills 7) Student satisfaction questionnaire and 8) Relevant instructor interview form. Statistics used in data analysis are mean, standard deviation (SD), mean percentage (%), and t-test (t-test).

The results of the research found that 1) the computational thinking skills of students learning with the instructional model after learning higher than before learning, it was statistically significant at the.05 level 2) Participation behavior in student project development. it is at a very good level 3) Students' project performance is at a good level very good 4) The assessment of the quality of students' projects are at a very good level 5) Students self-assessed their computational thinking skills at a good and excellent level in all four components, more than 80 percent 6) the results  from  a  questionnaire  revealed  that  the  students  were  satisfied  at  the  highest  level  with instructional model and 7) Opinions of related teachers, it can be concluded that the instructional model using project-based learning with graphic organizer to enhance computational thinking skills for secondary school students.

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How to Cite
Thepprasit, R., Sanrach, C. ., & Srisomphan , J. (2024). The Effect of Instructional Model using Project-Based Learning with Graphic Organizers to Enhance for Secondary Students’ Computational Thinking. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(3), 1673–1687. Retrieved from
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