Development of an Instructional System Platform for Weather Monitoring in Small Schools Within the Chiang Rai Educational Service Area

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Wichit Thepprasit
Nithikun Intharthip
Ratchada Thepprasit


The objectives of this article are to 1) develop a instructional system platform for weather monitoring in small schools, 2) study academic achievement before and after learning with the teaching kit, and 3) investigate teacher and student satisfaction with the teaching set. The research adopts a research and development model. The study sample group comprises 30 Grade 6 students and 6 teachers from schools under the Primary Educational Service Area Office 3, Mae Fah Luang District. The study selected a specific sample group. Four types of tools were used in the research: 1) a weather monitoring teaching kit system platform, 2) pre- and post-learning achievement tests, 3) an innovative media evaluation form, and 4) measures of teacher and student satisfaction with the teaching kit. Analyzed the data using basic statistical methods like mean and standard deviation, with independent t-test analysis.

The research results revealed that: 1. The components of a instructional system platform for weather monitoring include 1) learning management activities, 2) weather measurement equipment, and 3) an online platform. 2. Achievement levels after studying were found to be significantly higher than before studying, with a statistical significance level of .01. 3. Both teachers and students reported the highest level of satisfaction after learning through the platform. From this research, it has been discovered that an instructional system platform for weather monitoring is indeed effective for teaching and learning in small schools, yielding satisfactory outcomes. It can inspire students to generate creative ideas and create inventions by leveraging their acquired knowledge. This teaching kit system platform should be broadly distributed, particularly in schools facing security risks.

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How to Cite
Thepprasit, W., Intharthip, N., & Thepprasit, R. (2024). Development of an Instructional System Platform for Weather Monitoring in Small Schools Within the Chiang Rai Educational Service Area. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(3), 1652–1672. Retrieved from
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