Language Tactics Appearing in the Lan Kham Kong Law

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Pacharamon Jaingamdee


The article, titled "Language Tactics Appearing in the Lan Kham Kong Law," aimed to study language tactics that appear in the Lan Kham Kong Law, an important ancient law of the Phuan ethnic group. It was found that in the Lan Kham Kong Law, various tactics were used: 1) the use of legal terminology to correspond with the type of writing, such as the term to refer to the king, officials or civil servants, the prosecutor, the defendant, and the surrounding persons (witnesses); The use of Pali-Sanskrit and Khmer loanwords, with the Pali-Sanskrit terminology, shows the origin of ancient law as having its roots in Buddhism. As for the Khmer term, that is the king's word. It was used to raise the status of the king. The enactor of the law always gives with divinity. 3) The use of various literary tactics, such as vowel rhyme, letter rhyme, wordplay, idioms, etc. It is used to make the Lan Kham Kong Law a work created by wise men and a high object that the people must respect and follow.

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How to Cite
Jaingamdee, P. (2024). Language Tactics Appearing in the Lan Kham Kong Law . Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(3), 1735–1752. Retrieved from
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