Development of a Thai Language Learning Management Model Based on the Theory of Knowledge Creation in Combined with the Concept of Contemplative Education to Promote the Concept and Ability to Connect Thai Language Core Knowledge of Graduate Students

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Supawan Ruekamlang
Atikamas Makjui
Chaiyos Paiwithayasiritham
Chowwalit Chookhampaeng


This article had the objectives: 1) to develop a learning management model for Thai language principles according to the theory of knowledge creation combined with the concept of contemplative education and 2) to study the effectiveness of the learning management model for Thai language principles according to the theory of knowledge creation combined with the concept of contemplative education. The research model was research and development using a mixed-methods research process based on a quasi-experimental research design with a single group pre-study and post-study measurement as the research framework. The research area was the Faculty of Education, Nakhon Phanom University. The sample group consisted of 58 Thai language students using the cluster random selection method. There were 8 types of tools used in the research: 1) document analysis form; 2) opinion questionnaire; 3) interview form; 4) learning management model; 5) learning management model use manual; 6) learning management plan; 7) test; and 8) opinion questionnaire. Data were analyzed using basic statistics in quantitative research cases. The qualitative research section was used to analyze the content. Then write a descriptive narrative. 

The results of the research were as follows: 1) Thai language learning management model based on the theory of knowledge creation combined with the concept of contemplative education. There were 4 important elements: principles, objectives, learning management steps, and measurement and evaluation of learning management. 2) Results of the study of the effectiveness of the main Thai language learning management model according to the theory of knowledge creation combined with the concept of contemplative education the research found that 1) Results of comparing main concepts of the Thai language of students found that the main concepts of the Thai language have a significantly higher score after studying than before studying, at .05. 2) Results of comparing the ability to connect the main knowledge of the Thai language of students found that the ability to connect Thai language core knowledge was significantly higher after studying than before studying at .05. 3) The results of the study of students' opinions on the learning management model found that opinions of Thai language students regarding learning management The overall pattern is at a high level.

The findings from this research can be used to develop Thai language students to have quality knowledge and the ability to manage core learning. Thai language for learners in the 21st century is an innovation in research and development in Thai language learning formats at the higher education level.

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How to Cite
Ruekamlang, S., Makjui, A., Paiwithayasiritham, C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., & Chookhampaeng, C. (2024). Development of a Thai Language Learning Management Model Based on the Theory of Knowledge Creation in Combined with the Concept of Contemplative Education to Promote the Concept and Ability to Connect Thai Language Core Knowledge of Graduate Students. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(6), 3418–3435. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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