Area Strategies for Development of Community Products: Wisdom and Cultural Values

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Kanokrattana Pancharoen
Chuthamas Chompha
Nisanart Sopapol


This article aims to study the potential of community products and formulate spatial strategies for the development of community products in the Chanuman District, Amnat Charoen Province. This research is a mixed-method study. The qualitative research used in-depth interviews as a tool, interviewing 47 individuals involved in the development of community products. The data were analyzed through content analysis. The quantitative research used questionnaires as a tool, with a sample group of 888 people, including producers, entrepreneurs, consumers, and relevant government officials. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including percentages, means, standard deviations, and the establishment of interpretation criteria based on the meaning of the average value.

The results showed that in Chanuman district, there are two main groups of community products: those registered with government agencies and those unregistered with any agency. Regarding the potential of these community products, the findings indicated four aspects: strengths ( highest), opportunities (high), weaknesses (high), and threats (high). As for the strategic directions for developing these products' communities, they can be categorized into four areas: production and innovation; management; marketing; and linkages. In conclusion, this article provides insights into the potential of existing community products as well as strategies for their development within Chanuman district in Amnatcharoen province. Chanuman is one of the districts in Amnat Charoen province, and it is the only district in the province. It is located along the Mekong River, which separates Chanuman district from Xayphouthong district, Savannakhet Province, Lao People's Democratic Republic. The primary occupations of the people living in the Chanuman district are farming, raising animals, and fishing in the Mekong River basin. Their way of life and culture are closely tied to the Mekong River. There are various ethnic groups living in Chanuman, such as Phuthai, Kha, and Suay. These ethnic groups have their own unique cultures that reflect the local identity and community through community products like traditional textiles such as Phuthai Kumduay fabric, Kumduay flower pattern fabric, Natural Indigo Dyeing of Cotton Fabric, Yak Khu mask, ect., including expression through the "Khamsanya Thi Chanuman" song that reflects its culture, traditions, way of life, stories, and legends passed down through generations. This soft power has great influence by promoting valuable culture, which contributes to economic value creation. It can generate jobs and income for people in the community while creating a circular economy that reduces migration from rural areas to big cities. The working-age population can have job opportunities within their hometowns. This factor strengthens communities' ability to manage themselves sustainably.

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How to Cite
Pancharoen, K., Chompha, C., & Sopapol, N. (2024). Area Strategies for Development of Community Products: Wisdom and Cultural Values. Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(5), 3089–3107. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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