New Approaches of Private Primary School Administration for Chinese Language Teaching in Bangkok Metropolitan and Vicinity Region

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Rapinnipa Shompunutt na Ayudhya
Supannee Samarnyat
Sirinthorn Sinjindawong


This article aimed to 1) study the current conditions and desired conditions of the administration of private schools in the new way of teaching Chinese language for primary schools in Bangkok metropolitan and vicinity region; 2) create guidelines for the administration of private primary schools with the new way of Chinese language teaching in Bangkok metropolitan and vicinity region; and 3) examine and evaluate the management of Chinese language teaching in private primary schools with the new approaches in the Bangkok metropolitan and vicinity regions. This research employed a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. The main informants were as follows: The interviewees consisted of administrators of four private Chinese language schools and four international schools, for a total of eight people. The quantitative sample group was comprised of licensees, school directors, deputy directors of academic affairs, and Chinese language teachers, totaling 360 individuals, selected through the random sampling method. The research tools used were questionnaires, interviews, and focus groups. Data collection was collected using structured interviews, in-depth interview group chat, and the use of assessment questionnaires. Quantitative data analysis was done using the descriptive statistics method, using the mean and standard deviation. Necessary Needs Index, PNImodified Value. As for qualitative analysis, the content analysis method had been applied. The research results were as follows:

1. Current and desired states were “prioritized by the management framework” with their respective PNI values as follows: Financial management was 0.30, academic administration was 0.29, “curriculum and teaching” was 0.28, “human resource management” was 0.28, “organizational leadership” was 0.27, "focus on desirable success” was 0.27, and “general administration” was 0.26. "Prioritized by the importance of management processes" in the respective areas, the PNI values were as follows: “New operation procedure” was 0.30, “proactive policy” was 0.30, “satisfaction of learning quality” was 0.29, “flexible organizational structure” was 0.29, “context-based learning management” was 0.27, “interdisciplinary evaluation” was 0.27, and “transformative curriculum development” was 0.27.

2. The new approaches for teaching Chinese encompass seven aspects: (1) a new operating procedure; (2) a proactive policy; and (3) ensuring the satisfaction of learning quality; (4) flexible organizational structure; (5) context-based learning management; (6) interdisciplinary evaluation; and (7) transformative curriculum development.

3. The evaluation of the new approach process for teaching Chinese language in four areas—utility, feasibility, propriety, and accuracy—showed a "high level" standard of performance.

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How to Cite
Shompunutt na Ayudhya, R., Samarnyat, S., & Sinjindawong, S. (2024). New Approaches of Private Primary School Administration for Chinese Language Teaching in Bangkok Metropolitan and Vicinity Region: . Journal of Multidisciplinary in Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(5), 3021–3037. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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