An Application of the Buddhadamma Principles for Healing Before the Loss of Eyes in Mettapracharak Hospital (Watraikhing), Nakhon Pathom Province
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This article aims to present a model for applying Buddhist principles to heal the minds of patients before they lose their eyesight at Metta Pracharak Hospital (Wat Rai Khing). The method used for participatory action research was used to collect data by conducting in-depth interviews with 18 key informants, divided into 2 groups: 1) a group of professional nurses and caregivers (3 people); 2) a group of patients receiving vision treatment (15 people); and focus group discussions with 6 participants, divided into 2 groups: 1) a group of experts in Buddhism (3 people); and 2) a group of professional nurses who take care of eye patients (3 people). The workshop on applying Buddhist principles to heal the minds of 39 patients before they lose their eyesight was organized. The data was then categorized, analyzed using content analysis, contextual analysis, and presented in a descriptive manner in accordance with the research objectives. The results of the research found that 1) the process of healing the minds of patients at Metta Pracharak Hospital (Wat Rai Khing), Nakhon Pathom Province, was divided into 3 processes. 2) The application of Buddhist principles to heal the minds of patients before they lose their eyesight at Metta Pracharak Hospital (Wat Rai Khing), Nakhon Pathom Province In each process, the principles of Buddhism are applied as follows: (1) Relationship building process using the principle of Kalyanamitra (2) Morale building process using the principle of Trilaksana (3) Cooperation building process using the principle of Right Speech (Samma Speech). 3) Model of application of Buddhist principles to heal the minds of patients before they lose their eyes at Metta Pracharak Hospital (Wat Rai Khing), Nakhon Pathom Province, using the 3 Create 3 Dharma model as follows: 1) Relationship building 2) Morale building 3) Cooperation building by integrating 3 principles: 1) Kalyanamitra principle 2) Trilaksana principle 3) Right Speech.
Knowledge gained from research by integrating Buddhist principles with the healing process of patients’ minds before and after they lose their eyes can be applied to benefit Metta Pracharak Hospital (Wat Rai Khing), Nakhon Pathom Province.
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