The Representation of Lanna people in Charun Manopetch's songs


  • เอื้อมพร ทิพย์เดช -
  • สิริวรรณ นันทจันทูล


Representation, Lanna people, Charan Manopetch


 Charan Manopetch's music is a discourse that affects society. A discourse that is easily accessible to everyone and has a wide access channel. This research article is a descriptive analytical qualitative research. The purpose of this study was to study urban representations in Charan Manopetch's songs. The researcher studied urban representations that were created through linguistic strategies in Charan Manopetch's songs, 6 albums, 52 songs, by using discourse concepts, representation and linguistic strategies as a framework for data analysis.

The results of the research showed that Charan Manopetch's songs consisted of 4 representations of urban people, namely, the first representation of the urban people who adhere to the tradition, consisting of urban people who love their dignity and urbanites as conservatives. The second representation is urbanites who have love and pride in their hometowns. The third representation is a friendly representation of urban people, consisting of city people living simply. sincere city people and urban people have compromises. Finally, represents the urban people who love comfort. All of these representations are created through linguistic strategies, including word choice use of metaphors, use of expositions, use of speech visualization, word repetition, definition, clarification Using conditional sentences and conflicting sentences.


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How to Cite

ทิพย์เดช เ., & สิริวรรณ นันทจันทูล. (2023). The Representation of Lanna people in Charun Manopetch’s songs. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Uttaradit Rajabhat University, 10(1), 167–184. Retrieved from


