Syntactic Characteristics in Sentences Writing of Thai Autistic School Children

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รุจิรา ครุฑธาพันธ์


This research studied the types and structures sentences of Thai children with autism in grade 6. The data are collected from children with autism who are studying in grade 6 special
education who can write sentences. The study included 5 autistic grade 6 students who are able to write the spelling dictation of 100 words that selected from the Thai textbook and are able to construct words into sentences. The study indicated that children with autism use three types of sentences: simple sentences are most frequently found, followed by compound sentences, and complex sentences respectively. Twelve different kinds of structures occur in simple sentences, seventeen structures in compound sentences, and only one in complex sentences.

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How to Cite
ครุฑธาพันธ์ ร. (2018). Syntactic Characteristics in Sentences Writing of Thai Autistic School Children. Language and Linguistics, 36(2), 20–40. Retrieved from


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