The Rhetorical Structure of English for Tourism Lessons: A genre analysis approach

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ณัฐรกานต์ คำใจวุฒ


This study aims to investigate the structural organization of lessons in English for tourism textbooks used in Thai higher education using the genre analysis approach to discourse analysis. The approach is investigates communicative purposes of a text as a necessary criterion for defining its rhetorical structure (moves-steps) based on the work of Swales (1990, 2004). The texts selected in this study are 50 lessons to analyze the moves and steps; the frequency of occurrence shows the indispensable moves in each text within this discourse community. The moves and steps are classified into 3 categories: obligatory conventional and optional. It was found that the structural organization revealed 5 moves. Move 1: setting
up lesson and Move 2: vocabulary study were conventional; Move 3: explanation of language and/or structural grammar was optional; Move 4: practice was obligatory and Move 5: production was conventional. All 5 moves found had different steps to support their functions.

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How to Cite
คำใจวุฒ ณ. (2017). The Rhetorical Structure of English for Tourism Lessons: A genre analysis approach. Language and Linguistics, 36(1), 1–36. Retrieved from


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