Metapragmatic Awareness in Thai Group Discussions

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วรวรรณ เฟื่องขจรศักดิ์
ชัชวดี ศรลัมพ์
ทรงธรรม อินทจักร


The study is investigate the metapragmatic awareness of Thai language users. According to the data collected from Thai group discussion interactions, the results indicate that there are 3 aspects of metapragmatic awareness—appropriateness of language use, discourse organization, and illocutionary force. The expressions fall under each type of metapragmatic awareness can be conveyed in various linguistic indicators which are related to speakers’ intention. These indicators are classified into 3 categories—metapragmatic commentary, metapragmatic markers, and metapragmatic contextualization cues. The results in relation to such metapragmatic awareness reflect speakers’ self-monitoring of their language
use and how those indicators are employed to manage Thai group discussion interactions.

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How to Cite
เฟื่องขจรศักดิ์ ว., ศรลัมพ์ ช., & อินทจักร ท. (2017). Metapragmatic Awareness in Thai Group Discussions. Language and Linguistics, 36(1), 62–96. Retrieved from


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