Difference between Speech Presentations of News Reports in Newspapers and Online News in Thai: A Case Study of Political News

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ประภัสสร ถิรตันติ
นภสร ตั้งวิบูลยกิจ


Speech presentation, which is the process of reporting antecedent speech in a new context, is one of the significant elements in news articles. Based on the assumption that different news channels can affect the use of speech presentation, this study aims to investigate the difference between speech presentations used in newspapers and online news, and to compare the faithfulness of the reported speech with the original speech. The data were collected from political news across three platforms: news articles in newspapers, online news, and original speech from interview clips. The results show that the reporters chose the method of speech presentation differently depending on their judgment. They might employ the same kind of presentation across channels, but vary the words used. Also, they can apply different means of the presentation in newspapers and online news, which definitely alters details of the speech presented. In terms of faithfulness, it was found that the reporters do not always use the presentation in accordance with its definition. The findings display the use of direct speech with summarized content and the use of indirect speech that is reported verbatim. The difference in speech presentation has an influence on the readers’ understanding

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How to Cite
ถิรตันติ ป., & ตั้งวิบูลยกิจ น. (2019). Difference between Speech Presentations of News Reports in Newspapers and Online News in Thai: A Case Study of Political News. Language and Linguistics, 37(2), 21–46. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/joling/article/view/222376
Research Article


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